Argyle Welsh Finnigan Limited
Providing quality legal services with a commitment to our clients and to understanding their individual needs and requirements
The firm was founded in 1983 by Alister Argyle when he commenced practice as a sole practitioner.
In 1992 he was joined by David Welsh and the partnership was established in 1994.
Alister and David were joined in partnership by the late Paul Finnigan in 2002, and Paul Gooby in 2015, Jane Argyle-Reed in 2017 and Emma Taylor in 2018. The Firm incorporated in April 2022 to become Argyle Welsh Finnigan Limited.
Today the firm employs a team of over 30 staff across two offices located in Ashburton and Rolleston. Our team live in and around Mid Canterbury and Selwyn and enjoy being part of the thriving community, enjoying all of the benefits that the districts have to offer.
We have a broad base of loyal clients who trust us to help them, their business and their families. Our team serves on the boards of a number of significant local companies, charities and community organisations.
As of 1 April 2022 Argyle Welsh Finnigan is changing from a partnership to a company and will now trade as Argyle Welsh Finnigan Limited. The partnership will honour all terms of engagement. All matters in progress under the Terms of Engagement with Argyle Welsh Finnigan will transfer across to Argyle Welsh Finnigan Limited as of 1 April 2022.

Argyle Welsh Finnigan Limited is a leading law firm servicing Mid-Canterbury and Selwyn. We aim to provide first class legal services when you need them.